program CFD_course_wave_equation c.. CFD Course, MEN 614 c.. This is to calculate the wave equation in different schemes. c.. Zha 02/02/2002 c.. The wave equation is: du/dt + du/dx =0 c.. The initial solution is u(x,0)=sin(2*n*pi*x/40.), 0<=x<=40. c.. The analytical solution will be u(x,t) = sin(2*n*pi*(x-t)/40.) c.. Periodic condition will be used at the two ends x=0 and x=40. c.. Chose 41 grid point mesh with Dx=1 and compute to t=18. c.. Solve the problem with n=1,3, and CFL=1.0, 0.6,0.3 implicit none integer n ! frequency in initial solution integer ngrid ! number of grid points double precision x0,xl ! x-coordinates of starting and ending points double precision cfl ! CFL number integer iteration ! number of iteration for upper limit double precision t_stop ! time to stop the calculation double precision time ! marching time level parameter(ngrid=41,x0=0.,xl=40.,iteration=100, t_stop=18.) double precision u_n(ngrid) ! Solution at time level n double precision u_nplus1(ngrid) ! Solution at time level n+1 double precision u_analytical ! analytical solution double precision x ! x-coordinates double precision dx ! grid spacing delta x double precision dt ! time step double precision c ! wave speed of the linear wave eq. double precision pi ! 3.14159 integer i,j ! loop index integer scheme ! scheme name ! =1, Lax scheme ! =2, Lax-Wendroff Scheme write(6,*)'Please input n and CFL number' read(5,*)n,cfl write(6,*)'What scheme to use?' write(6,*)'If to use Lax scheme, please input 1' read(5,*)scheme c.. For the linear wave equation in this problem, c=1 c=1.0 pi = 3.14159 c.. give the initial solution dx = (xl-x0)/float(ngrid-1) do i = 1,ngrid x = x0 + float(i-1)*dx u_n(i) = sin(2.*float(n)*pi*x/40.) end do c.. determine time step dt = CFL*dx/c c.. Start Time Marching IF (scheme.eq.1) then c.. Lax Scheme time =0.0 DO i = 1, iteration do j = 2, ngrid-1 u_nplus1(j) = 0.5*(u_n(j+1) + u_n(j-1)) > - c*dt/dx*0.5*(u_n(j+1) - u_n(j-1)) end do c.. implement periodic boundary condition for starting point u_nplus1(1) = 0.5*(u_n(2) + u_n(ngrid-1)) > - c*dt/dx*0.5*(u_n(2) - u_n(ngrid-1)) c.. implement periodic boundary condition for ending point u_nplus1(ngrid) = u_nplus1(1) time = time + dt c.. save u_nplus1 to u_n for next iteration do j = 1, ngrid u_n(j) = u_nplus1(j) end do if( go to 111 END DO ELSE IF (scheme.eq.2) then c.. Other scheme will be implemented continue END IF c... Output results 111 continue c.. Output on screen if(scheme.eq.1)write(6,*)'Lax Scheme Results at time=', time write(6,*)'n=',n write(6,*)'CFL=',cfl write(6,113) 113 format(13x,'x',20x,'u_cfd',20x,'u_analytical') c.. Output to a file open(1,file='waveeq_results') if(scheme.eq.1)write(1,*)'Lax Scheme Results at time=', time write(1,*)'n=',n write(1,*)'CFL=',cfl write(1,113) do i = 1, ngrid x = x0 + float(i-1)*dx u_analytical = sin(2.*float(n)*pi*(x-time)/40.) write(6,*)x,u_nplus1(i),u_analytical write(1,*)x,u_nplus1(i),u_analytical end do STOP END